Wednesday, March 6, 2013


There's a story going around about a pastor writing a snarky remark on a receipt instead of a tip:

"I give God 10% why do you get 18?"

*awkward shuffle here*

I didn't know it was a woman who wrote it - I assumed the pastor was male - but I'm going to take a guess and say she was having a bad day.  That might just be me projecting myself onto the situation; maybe she's just a jerk.

In my opinion, it really doesn't matter that she is a pastor.  What matters is that she pulled what one might call a "dick move."  Stuff like this happens to servers all the time.  I heard a story of a waitress who got stiffed on a huge dinner bill by a woman who wrote, "sorry, I'm a single mom," or something similar on her ticket.  The two situations are very similar.

What irritates me about this woman is that she clearly has no idea what it's like to practice Christianity.  Or maybe she slipped up this one time.  Either way, she set a terrible example.
What also irritates me is the waitress posting it online.  I don't think that was really called for.

Anyway, as a general rule, I give a dollar on every five, about 20% (if the bill is $22 I give $4), unless the service is pretty bad.

Because waitressing sucks, and I know it sucks from working as a busser at Gunther Toody's.  Why would someone go and make a crappy job worse by being a general tool?

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