Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Animeland Wasabi Con

This weekend is Animeland Wasabi Con.  I am going to be there selling my art - actually liquidating my art.  I'm trying to get rid of all of the back-stock I have of prints.  What better way to get rid of something than sell it dirt cheap?

I'm sad that I don't have any new art to bring with me to the convention, but what can ya do?

I'm also nervous about having the wee one with me.  It will be an adventure if nothing else.

In case you're interested in stopping by, the convention will be held here:
Doubletree Hotel By Hitlon
3203 Quebec Street
Denver, CO 80207 
Friday March 1st at 10:00 a.m. to Sunday March 3rd at 4:00 p.m.
The hours are kind of arbitrary; I've never attended a convention that closed at a certain time.  Vendors will leave, but artists in Artist Alley usually stay later.  And there are always stragglers.

I ended up using the coconut milk I made for chocolate tapioca.  The method I used yielded just under 2 1/4 cups of milk, and that was what the tapioca recipe called for.
I did add a little bit of vanilla to the coconut milk (a tiny bit, because vanilla tends to "bloom" if you leave whatever contains the vanilla in the fridge), so it was sweeter than it would have been otherwise.

The overall taste of the milk was better than the tinned coconut milk I buy from Sprouts; it kept the natural coconut taste, so the flavour was much more pronounced.
I wasn't expecting the cream to sort of solidify.  I knew it would separate when kept in the refrigerator, but I was surprised that it congealed into something similar to butter.  Delicious coconut butter.

I guess I would make it again, even though it took me two days to finish it.
I would definitely make it again just for the tapioca.  I'm pretty sure the batch of dark chocolate tapioca I made with the milk was the best tapioca pudding I've had in a long while.  I will share the recipe with you when I feel like retrieving the tapioca package to type it up.

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