Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Diet and Life.

I got the results of my follow-up test: my TSH is 2 something.  Right in the middle of normal range.
I honestly can't say if I did that with the diet restrictions I imposed upon myself or if I just had postpartum thyroiditis and it was going to resolve on its own.  Either way, I feel better now that I've been avoiding gluten and sugar.  I solved problems I didn't realize were there like the fogginess that sometimes smogged up my thought.  I'm much better at interacting with people now because there's less lag between what they say to me and my response.

You can tell when I'm hungry because my conversation skills decrease pretty steadily in relation to exactly how hungry I am.  The hungrier I get the younger my brain gets, although even that is getting better without the gluten.

I've been doing a lot of research about this stuff lately because I'm the kind of stubborn ass that spends a lot of time trying to do things the way I want.  It's really interesting stuff, and I encourage everyone to look into it, regardless of skepticism.

I sort of joke that this is karma for me: I used to make fun of a youth leader of my old church for ordering burgers without a bun and I would frequently make it known that I thought celiac disease was a sham.  I still don't believe that all the people out there claiming to have it actually suffer from the disease, but it is real.  Gluten intolerance is also very real.

I will continue to be gluten free with an emphasis on wheat.  I'll eat spelt or kamut occasionally but wheat is totally out of picture - every time I eat wheat I pay for it, and the rides are not worth the price of admission.

The only things I can concretely tell you about thyroid health and diet from my own experience is that a glass of lemon water a day really helps and coconut oil is like the thyroid God.  If you do nothing else, take at least a tablespoon a day and see what happens.


  1. I am just glad you got good results! - Carole

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
