Saturday, August 11, 2012

So I just wanted to say - ooh Shiney!

I've been a total slacker the last few weeks with this blog.  Not only can I not think of what to write about, I usually place things like cleaning the kitchen or weeding the garden (slowly turning into harvesting the garden!) higher up on my priority list.  I seem to recall saying something about not having very much energy, and that's still true, so until I get the nesting burst you're supposed to get before baby, rationing my energy will have to continue.
I miss writing these to be honest.  It's sort of therapeutic in the same way cleaning the kitchen or weeding the garden is therapeutic for me.

Because my mother-in-law rocks.
The baby shower was pretty awesome.  Awesome cake and awesome people.  A lot of people, I was surprised at how many people were there.
One of the games was to draw on a blank onesie with fabric markers and pictured is the one my mother-in-law did.  She's an amazing artist!  I took this one to work with me and showed it to the customers I actually have conversations with; everyone loved it and wanted to know where I got it so they could get one too.
I'm really excited for this onesie.
There were so many onesies, I maybe have too many...if that's possible.  We got some more from one of hubby's coworkers.  They are freaking adorable.  They're green and they all have cute little caterpillars on them.  The set came with a zip up hoodie that has caterpillar antennae and a smiley face on the hood, and a plush caterpillar rattling toy.  I think they might be my favorite set of store-bought onesies we got.  Probably because they're not yellow.  I do love yellow, but I tend to favor colors on the cooler end of the spectrum like gray and purple.

I feel very lucky to be a part of this family, and to be building my own family.  By some wild stroke of luck (or providence) I'm married to the man of my dreams, and we're having a baby soon!  I can be a stay at home mom (unless finances don't permit) and my parents are practically gifting us a wonderful house.
I'm not sure how all of this happened, but I am certainly grateful for it.  Thinking about it makes the days I'm having a hard time physically - and these are growing in number as of late - a little easier to manage.

I'm going through this phase now, and I'm going to place the blame entirely on being pregnant, where I don't want to do anything but be near hubby.  It doesn't even matter if we're doing something together, just being in the vicinity of him is all I really want.
I feel like a kid who needs her safety blanket with her at all times.

To jump to another totally unrelated topic:
I'm going to be writing about the birth of our baby.  I feel like there needs to be more positive stories out there about birth.  Granted, this is assuming nothing goes wrong, but even if something does I'll still write about it.  I want to help people understand that birth is not an illness; you don't need to be afraid of it.  There are a lot of alarmists out there, and plenty of stories of gloom and doom.  I'm hoping to be able to add to the stories that are positive and loving.
That's not to say I'm not scared.  Indeed, I'm scared shitless (right after I said you shouldn't be afraid) and I think that being scared is normal if the fear is not unhealthy.  But whatever you do, don't let people fearmonger you.  They'll try, some without even realizing what they're doing, but always remember that birth has been happening for ages and that it's a natural part of being a woman.  Chances are you won't need all the high-tech equipment, but it's nice to know it's there, just in case.

Do not read What to Expect When You're Expecting.  Just.  Don't.
I will explain why when I do my list of reviews of pregnancy books, which I plan on doing after the birth.

1 comment:

  1. "Which I plan on doing after the birth". HA! Sorry- don't "plan" on doing ANYTHING after the birth. Oh boy, did I make that mistake. I was too tired to finishsewing the baptismal gown and said "I'll do ot after she's born. Thank God my sister-in-law can sew!
