Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Because My Brain is on Vacation...

So I've reached a stage in pregnancy where several things have happened.
  1. I want everyone else I know in a stable relationship to have a baby too. 
    I find myself thinking/saying things like, "Bob and Jane should have a baby!"  I don't tell this to the actual people I'm talking about, because I know how annoying that can be, I say this to other friends of mine who are pregnant and happen to know the couple or usually to hubby.  His response is generally appropriate: smile and nod with a small laugh.
  2. My thoughts are rarely organized, regardless of how much energy I have. 
    My energy is a precious resource currently, but even at my best my thoughts are generally disjointed.  I have more trouble finding appropriate words and finishing sentences.  I had this trouble before, but it's now multiplied by...say...twenty.  My grammar and vocabulary have taken a pretty severe beating in the last few weeks.
  3. I am simultaneously super excited and terrified of bringing this little one into the world.
    This manifests in days, or even hours, where my opinion changes from, "I can totally do this," to, "I totally can't do this."  I'm pretty good at reasoning with myself when in the negative frame of mind, but I can't always bring myself out of being afraid of birth.  My overall attitude is not one of fear, but I have little bouts of, "oh crap, what have I gotten myself into?"
  4. I am hot.  All. The. Time.
    If I had any advice for women ever it would be to conceive around July or August so that you're big and hot in the winter/spring rather than the entire summer.
  5. I find that I've become a little indignant about certain things.
    One of these things is the guy who wanted to tell me how anti-feminine Catholicism is.  Pardon me, but I'm calling bull shit.  If anyone is anti-feminine it's the medical industry.  Maybe I'll delve into that one a little more in a later entry.
    Another is people who are child-less that know exactly how you should raise your child, and exactly what to do while you're pregnant, and exactly how (and where) you should birth your baby.  It's irritating.  Wait, you've no experience with this at all and you want to tell me how to do it?  yep, that makes sense.
I still don't like people I don't know commenting about how big my belly is, or how cute a pregnant lady I am.  This is akin to the people who would say things like, "I wish I had your figure" in a clothing store.  I understand these are intended to be compliments, but I really dislike having attention drawn to me, let alone to a specific thing about me.  These comments are okay when someone I know is saying them, it's only when people I've never seen in my life say it that it irks me.
Anyway, I just have to deal because it comes with being pregnant.


  1. I can't wait to experience all of the above, seriously. You are awesome! Good luck with everything. Thanks for a glimpse.

    1. Thanks! I'm going to do a review of all the books on pregnancy I've read and which I recommend to moms-to-be fairly soon. Hopefully that will be helpful :)
